How to use this tool:
Simply enter the child’s score (which will be between 2 and 110) and click “Calculate Reading Age”.
You’ll get the reading age in years and months.
What is the Burt Word Comprehension Test?
A reading test consisting of 110 increasingly difficult words, it is intended to be a one-on-one test of a child’s recognition of those words, as they read them out to the teacher.
The teacher keeps a record of which words the child read correctly, and at the end of the test the final tally provides their score.
This score can then be used to determine the child’s reading age.
Looking for more teaching tools?
You are in luck my friend – our husband and wife team have created a whole range of free tools, resources, and printables for you to use. Check out our easy grader for example 🙂
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Matt & Hayley