Starting writing prompts with “I wonder” gives students a place to start their writing while encouraging to use their imagination to decide what comes next.
Below, you’ll find a list of these imaginative prompts.
Using This Guide
This guide is a little different from our other guides. Students should use each prompt as the opening for their assignment; but if they’d rather take the idea and just expand on it, that’s perfectly fine.
Here are a few ways to use these prompts in your classroom:
- Have students pick one or two of these prompts each week to write in their journals during quiet time.
- Encourage students to expand on these ideas with as much detail as they can in the time they are given.
- Create a writing challenge and encourage students to participate.
The Prompts
- I wonder what it would be like if students taught the teachers for a day.
- I wonder why some animals have four legs, but others only have two.
- I wonder why some states don’t observe Daylight Savings.
- I wonder what it would be like to have superpowers.
- I wonder if there’s an alternate universe in which I’m someone different.
- I wonder why some kids bully others.
- I wonder how long it would take for me to learn a new language.
- I wonder what the weather would be like if there was no pollution.
- I wonder what it would be like to be the parent for a day.
- I wonder why some people are afraid of things that others aren’t, like bugs or heights.
- I wonder why we have to learn math every year.
- I wonder why some adults act like children.
- I wonder if the world is any more dangerous now than it was when my parents were kids.
- I wonder what it would be like if it was my birthday every day.
- I wonder what would happen if I stopped doing my homework.
- I wonder how long it would take me to learn how to play a new musical instrument.
- I wonder why more schools don’t teach Sign Language to every student.
- I wonder why I can’t have fast food for every meal.
- I wonder why my mom and dentist say I have to brush my teeth twice a day.
- I wonder what would happen if I stopped raising my hand in class.
- I wonder how different my life would be if I had never met my best friend.
- I wonder what it would be like to be the President of the United States.
- I wonder why some people get stage fright and some people do not.
- I wonder if there is life on other planets.
- I wonder what the world would be like without scientists.
- I wonder how I can change the world, in my own little way.
- I wonder what I could do to help the environment.
- I wonder if animals feel emotions the same way humans do.
- I wonder what would happen if my parents decided I no longer needed to go to bed at a certain time each night.
- I wonder how many people in my class feel insecure about certain things the same way I do.
- I wonder if there will ever be a time when humans can time travel.
- I wonder what it would be like to be a voiceover actor.
- I wonder how easy it will be to achieve my dream job when I’m an adult.
- I wonder if it’s important to encourage those around me to do and be their very best.
- I wonder why it’s so important to be open-minded and accepting of people who are different from me.
- I wonder what it would be like to be a Broadway actor.
- I wonder why history has a way of repeating itself.
- I wonder what it would be like to have a younger or older sibling.
- I wonder why some people are empathetic to those in need but some people aren’t.
- I wonder how I can use my voice to speak out against injustice.
- I wonder how I can encourage my community to recycle more.
- I wonder if there really is a secret to life.
- I wonder what it would be like if I could go back and experience reading my favorite book for the first time.
- I wonder why adults don’t just go shopping all the time.
- I wonder why I have to do chores at home.
Looking For More?
We’ve got writing prompts, templates, and resources for teachers and educators to use in the classroom or at home.
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