As children work their way through the math curriculum, it’s important that they understand how to solve the material. However, it’s just as important that they are able to explain their steps and write about math.
By encouraging students to dive deeper into their understanding of math concepts, you will help them retain important information and think critically. Many teachers have taken to using journals as part of their math curriculum in order to help students get into a routine of learning, understanding, and then explaining.
Below, you’ll find a list of math-related writing prompts to get your class started on writing in a math journal.
Using This Guide
These prompts are fairly basic, which leaves room for you to alter them to match your class’s grade level and skill.
Here are a few ways you can use these prompts in your classroom:
- Keep these prompts handy for students to use if they finish their classwork early.
- Reserve part of your math period for journal writing, to help students think critically about what they’ve learned.
- Assign prompts by groups, and have students compare their answers.
The Writing Prompts
- Do you think math is fun? Why or why not?
- Write an acrostic poem using the word “DIVIDE”.
- List three careers that use geometry, and explain how it is used for each.
- Explain what you know about geometry.
- How do you feel when you hear someone say that math is fun? Explain.
- Where is one area you think you could improve in math? How can you work toward this goal?
- Why is it important to learn math using both equations and word problems?
- Give at least three examples of how you use math every day.
- Do you sometimes feel intimidated by math or math class? Explain.
- Write a word problem for someone in your class to solve.
- If math were a person, what would their personality be like?
- What is the process of multiplying a single-digit number by a two-digit number?
- Compare and contrast the concepts of multiplication and division.
- Write a word problem involving a garden.
- Explain what you know about subtraction.
- What is something that you’ve learned in math class recently?
- How do you feel when you finally understand a math concept? Explain.
- Write three ways you use fractions in everyday life.
- Write a short story about someone solving a math problem.
- How can your math teacher make the subject more interesting for your class?
- Think about these things: pizza, driving, shopping, and time. How does math connect to each of these things?
- How does multiplication make addition easier? Give examples.
- List three careers that involve math, and explain why math is essential to each.
- How is math used in sports? Give examples.
- Jot down 7-10 words that relate to math. Use these words to write a math-related poem.
- Write an acrostic poem using the word “MATH”.
- Use a Venn diagram to compare and contrast your classmates.
- What should you do if you don’t understand a math problem? Explain.
- What is something in math that you’ve learned this year?
- Today in math class, I learned…
- Write a story about a classmate who helps another classmate with math homework.
- Why is it important to keep practicing math over summer break?
- How do we use fractions in real life?
- Explain how to properly use a ruler or yardstick.
- Write MATHEMATICS at the top of your paper, and see how many words you can make from the letters.
- When I think about math, I think…
- Write an acrostic poem using the word “EQUATION”.
- Why is it important to learn how to do math problems on paper before you use a calculator?
- Create a graph using information about people or objects in your classroom.
- Do you learn better by watching someone solve a problem, or by listening and practicing the steps yourself?
- Prove that 3+9=12 using two different methods.
- Why is estimating a good way to solve a math problem?
- Compare and contrast squares and rectangles.
- Write a math problem about something in your classroom.
- Explain a good way to remember how to use the less than and greater than symbols.
Looking For More?
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